

Game Details

Platform: CAVE2 | Web (Requires IE9)
Objective: Choose a ship to command and defend your base (on the left) by summoning ally minions to attack the enemy base (on the right). Watch out for enemy minions!
Team: Andrew Long
Credits: -

Extra Details

Progress: Abandoned
Development Start: December 3rd 2013
Development End: December 17th 2013
Coffee of Choice: Vermont Green Mountain Coffee
Development History: Resocube was used as a tutorial/example project for creating games in Unity (using Mechdyne's getReal3D plug-in) to be played on CAVE2, a large-scale virtual-reality environment found in the University of Illinois - Chicago's electronic visualization laboratory. The focus was to create a document outlining the best-practices and workflows for developing a game locally on a standard desktop or laptop that could be easily ported to a distributed system with minimal to no change in the codebase. Because of this a majority of development was spent on functionality and not asthetics or UX. Because this game was designed to be played in a large-scale VR lab, the approach to development was a bit different than normal (for instance, the playing field exists around a cylinder). After graduating I no longer had access to CAVE2, and the cost of pivoting and removing the VR design required rewriting most of the demo, leading to its abandonment.