

Game Details

Platform: Mobile | Web (Play In-Browser)

Welcome to the future. Wall Street is in the past, stock trading has become a crowd-sourced phenomonon that any joe can do from the comforts of their couch. We're looking for the best of the best, think you have what it takes?

Team: Andrew Long
Credits: -

Extra Details

Progress: In Progress
Development Start: Sometime in 2015, picked back up January 2020
Development End: In Progress
Coffee of Choice: Tend to stay away from coffee at night these days
Development History: I had played around with making an aesthetically pleasing screensaver back in 2015, and kind of played around with the idea of a stock market simulator. For one reason or another (probably my Unity Pro license ending due to their new subscription model at the time) I had stopped developing games and this was buried. While taking a break from another game I've been playing around with I stumbled upon this and felt pretty inspired to develop it some more.